Ontario Public Service
Making government services
simpler, faster, and better
After an amazing 8-month co-op term with the Ontario Digital Service, I joined the Ministry of Transportation as a UX Designer.
I will discuss 5 key highlights of my journey within the Ontario Public Service :-)
Service Design
UI Design
UX Research
May 2022 - Dec 2022
Oct 2023 - Present
Marriage License Modernization
UI Design
Usability Testing
I redesigned a digital marriage license service by analyzing 10+ hours worth of usability tests and implementing 15+ key design changes on Figma mobile & desktop prototypes.
Tribunals Ontario
UX Research
I crafted a 70-slide research synthesis deck after many hours of speaking to lawyers, fire marshals, and citizens about their experience going through legal appeals.
(Believe it or not, 70 slides was actually viewed as the correct amount of detail!)
Orders in Council
Usability Testing
UX Resesarch
I delivered key usability insights in a 3 week timeline, uncovering a 44-page deck’s worth of user challenges and preferences about search and filter capabilities of a legal search tool.
Training Coordination
Service Design
UX Research
I led a 10-week Discovery phase as a UX lead, guiding our product + partner team through key research activities and leading 15+ interviews that robustly defined current challenges and product goals moving into Alpha.
This was also my first time managing UX co-ops!
Office of the Fairness Commissioner
UI Design
I created a 6-step OPS-branded form enabling the 41 Ontario profession & trade regulators to submit their Fair Registration Practices report online.
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